Acceptable Use Policy

This policy applies to all products, services, and technologies (collectively, “Products”) provided by SveltePak under any ongoing agreement. It aims to protect SveltePak, our customers, and the general Internet community from unethical, irresponsible, and illegal activities.

Customers found violating this policy may face service suspension or account termination. In severe cases, legal action may be taken.

Last Reviewed: March 1, 2024

Fair Use

Our Products are provided under the assumption of “business as usual” usage. Excessive use may incur additional fees or capacity restrictions.

We oppose abuse, discrimination, rights infringement, or any action harming individuals or groups. We expect our customers and their end-users to adhere to these principles.

Customer Accountability

Customers are responsible for their actions and those using the Products with or without their permission. Customers must ensure that all users comply with this policy. Violations may lead to service termination or other actions without notice.

Prohibited Activities

  • Do not use our Products to violate copyright laws, including unauthorized use of copyrighted material.

SPAM and Unauthorized Messages

  • Sending unsolicited bulk or commercial messages (“spam”) is prohibited.
  • Running unconfirmed mailing or telephone lists is not allowed.
  • Using third-party lists for spam or unconfirmed messaging purposes is forbidden.

Unethical, Exploitative, and Malicious Activity

  • Do not use our Products for activities that violate this policy or others’.
  • Prohibited activities include network attacks, unauthorized access (“hacking”), introducing viruses, and harassment.
  • Activities considered unethical or exploitative also include service theft, unauthorized data access or alteration, and interference with our network.

Other Prohibited Uses

  • Impersonating SveltePak or falsely claiming a business relationship with us is prohibited.
  • Our Products cannot be used for illegal gambling, terrorism, narcotics trafficking, arms trafficking, or the development and production of weapons of mass destruction.

About This Policy

This document outlines prohibited activities and intents. We may update this policy at any time, with changes effective upon posting on our website or 30 days after posting, whichever comes first.